| Read Time: < 1 minute | Bankruptcy

How Does Bankruptcy’s Automatic Stay Work?

Creditors have a variety of methods at their disposal to collect debts in the form of levies, liens, and garnishments. These processes can leave debtors feeling like unprotected divers swimming in a sea of sharks! Thankfully, the bankruptcy code offers a proverbial shark cage to protect debtors and their property in the form of an automatic stay. It’s this protection...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Debt Settlement

Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement

Debt Personal User Personal interest rates for consumers are very low right now. This provides an incentive for all of us, in an attempt to achieve a cheaper interest rate and lower total charge, to take advantage of refinancing our personal loan debt. The phrases debt restructuring and debt consolidation used interchangeably are common to hear, but they are...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Can I Get a Credit Card After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

How Bankruptcy Affects Your Credit? Bankruptcy filings have a significant detrimental impact on the credit and one that will last for years. That’s how your creditors are never going to collect all the money you owe them, and they’re not going to receive any. To put it plainly, having a bankruptcy on your financial history makes it even more...

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