Experienced Guidance for Your Tax Debt Issue

Everyone has had to deal with taxes one way or the other. Whether you were caught off guard by how much you owed or were suddenly audited, you may suddenly owe taxes that you can’t actually afford. This is all very challenging, and sometimes you need guidance from our debt settlement lawyers in Maui to get through this kind of difficulty.

At Blake Goodman, PC, we can provide you with guidance with our expert team. While our bread and butter may be bankruptcy, we are extremely familiar with all forms of finances whether they be bankruptcy, credit repair, or tax resolutions.

One of the biggest challenges with taxes is that many people can’t afford to pay them back. They aren’t dodging them with intentions of never paying. They just simply do not know they can pay them.

At Blake Goodman, PC, we will help you with solutions to these tax issues so you can avoid being harassed by the IRS and get these pesky taxes taken off your name. At Blake Goodman, PC, we offer guidance and solutions to these tax problems.

Many of our clients came to us to help them with tax resolutions because they just can’t find a way to solve the problems on their own. So, they look towards us for guidance.

At Blake Goodman, PC, our tax resolution plans will provide you with:

  • Legal representation,
  • A plan, and
  • Peace of mind.

Sometimes, just having that legal representation needed to guide you through these challenging moments will lead you to the tax resolution you need.

Stop stressing over your taxes and let Blake Goodman, PC, help you through that process. You will not be disappointed with everything we have to offer you in this situation.

Are You Having Trouble with the IRS?

At our law firm, we are here to assist you in resolving your tax problems. We have helped many individuals put an end to the reign of terror that the IRS can cause you. Keep in mind that problems related to the IRS don’t go away without any effort. In fact, these problems get worse with time, as interest and penalties get compounded every day.

So, do you owe the IRS? If yes, then you could have quite a serious problem. There is no doubt that it may take many years for the IRS to catch you, but remember that they are persistent, and they have little mercy in collecting what is owed. Once the collection process begins, they are sure to make your life miserable.

Even though bankruptcy is generally considered one of the most workable options to get rid of back taxes, it isn’t always the best choice. That’s why our Maui tax resolution attorneys offer solutions to deal with your tax problems that could aid in you avoiding bankruptcy.

Do You Owe the IRS Lots of Money? Go for an Offer in Compromise

An Offer in Compromise (OIC) is known as a life-saving type of tax resolution for people who need it. It lets a taxpayer pay a smaller amount to satisfy the total tax debt.

The IRS investigates the financial situation of the taxpayer and compares the gross tax debt to their present financial condition during the approval procedure. It can be a perfect solution to resolve your tax problem because it can lead to remarkable savings.

Installments Agreements

If your case doesn’t fall under the Offer in Compromise program, then the IRS may still grant you the ability to repay your tax liabilities on an installment basis. Keep in mind that the higher the tax liability, the more strategic the negotiations need to be in order to prevent a seizure or levy from taking place.

What you should know about installment agreements is:

Short Term Payment Plans

A short-term payment plan is an agreement with the IRS that you will be paying your taxes owed within a certain period of time. If the IRS agrees to this, then you may not be liable for a user fee.

Payment Plans Costs and Fees

While we can try to avoid you paying payment plan costs and fees, there may be cases where the IRS will add a tax bill to your status despite our best abilities to avoid this situation. We will work with you throughout this process with our tax resolution services.

To learn more about our Maui tax resolution programs, all you have to do is contact us. We have the experience, skill, and knowledge necessary to provide the right tax solution for you.

Take the First Step Toward Stability. Time May Be Critical in Your Case.

Are you unable to afford your taxes because you are deep in debt? Have you ever considered bankruptcy as an option? We’ll talk you through your choices. Most of our clients pay a fixed, reasonable fee for our services.

Give us a call today at (808) 518-4844 or fill out the form, and we will contact you to set up a FREE consultation.